
Media Services

Business Transformation

Due to industry sector, national or global trends, including COVID-19, business have sometimes found themselves in situations of spiralling costs coupled with slowing turnover. This of course has implications on other areas of operational and financial performance. From our experience, the solution in most cases does not lie in a few changes and amendments but it does often require a more fundamental rethink of your business, the vision and the strategies for accomplishing the vision in light of present circumstances.

ATEK & Cross has enabled several organisations and government departments through an often difficult process of business transformation. We explore every possible angle with you ensuring we can obtain and help you with the best practice in the industry. We help you re-examine sub optimal business processes with a view to reengineering them or redesign fragmented processes.

Change Management




Change is a certainty in the business world of today there is no option to change for any achieving high performance organisation. However the management of Change is where an organisation is distinguished.


Our Change management strategy is to ensure that the entire ramifications of change are understood and communicated openly and honestly to relevant stakeholders.


Incorrect management of change from our experience has often resulted in rumour mills, loss of trust and the dreaded consequences on organisational performance.


At ATEK & Cross after our brief, we shall risk assess all areas impacted by change. We present you with a plan for managing change which subject to your approval, will be adhered through the duration of the project.

Information Technology Infrastructure




Our area of specialty in the ITO area is in web based or web enabled services. We have gained considerable competence working with clients to manage web content even in fast moving sectors where content needs to be even more dynamic.

Our services have included outsourced internet and intranet services, electronic commerce and various formats of online payments. We also help manage multiple vendor relationships.

We ensure that your online process represents your company’s vision with utmost consideration given to security, usability, scalability and customer browser experience.

We help you manage the content of your web site ensuring that the contents are kept up to date. We would typically deploy a content management software,  ensuring that designated staff can update specified parts of your site.

Project Management


Poor project management has been identified as one the reasons projects fail. Projects in IT or any other field require skilled and knowledgeable project managers. Our project mangers are also strong on the soft skills of communication, team building, conflict resolution, leadership and motivation as well as the hard skills of quality management, planning, risk management,and budget management of all project resources.

We are happy to work as project managers on your behalf even when another consulting firm is the main contractor. We are flexible to accommodate your ways of working ensuring that we deliver top quality projects within budget and time constraints.

SAP Consulting


The SAP ERP is ERP of choice of leading businesses worldwide. We have implemented the SAP ERP suite in more than 20 companies across the world. In Nigeria our clients have included the Dangote Group Cement division.


The All-IN-ONE solution comes preconfigured and ideal for enterprises who are happy to run on the best practice configuration as defined by SAP. The pre configured system has the added value of helping you optimise and in some cases reengineer your business processes. The implementation time is a lot shorter reducing your implementation risks and ensuring a quicker ROI

SAP Business One

The Business One is ERP out of the box solution which enables SME’s from 3 to 500 run SAP software with minimal outlay. This is a good solution for those businesses which do not need a full solution for instance a small subsidiary or SME’s who have realised the need for an ERP in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness.